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Essential Earth Minerals

Drawing on the active cleansing properties of natural minerals, our gentle, odour-free formula nourishes the skin by actively maintaining the body’s moisture balance. Good for your body and your pool.

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Theralux Active™ Lifetime Pool Care

Exclusive customer care for the life of your pool.

Essential Earth Minerals

Product Benefits

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Your body will thank you

Balancing oil production and expelling impurities is a full-time process for your body. Support your skin’s natural renewal and gently remove pollutants while adding a light touch of moisture. Sore eyes, itchy skin, discoloured hair, and chlorine odours are banished, leaving healthy, replenished skin.

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Scientifically soothing

Your body craves magnesium. A vital mineral needed by every major organ, it provides essential B and D vitamins for clinically proven health and wellbeing benefits. Our mineral blend is also formulated for sensitive skin, gentle on children, and conditions like eczema and dermatitis.

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Healthy you, healthy planet

Mineral sanitisation has changed the game for pool owners. By taking advantage of nature’s cleansing and filtering qualities, we reduce the need for hazardous substances. Reducing harsh chemicals is not only important for our health, but for the health of our environment.

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Good for your pool and your pocket

Our blend of Essential Earth Minerals is formulated to floc microscopic particles, reducing the need to invest in specialty chemicals like clarifiers and algaecides. Pool maintenance is simplified—you’ll notice a crystal clear pool and more money in your wallet.


We're to help you make the best decision

What is in the Essential Earth Minerals?

We use a concentrated blend, rich in magnesium and borates without any fillers such as salt or potassium. We have formulated the blend for maximum health benefits, easy pool maintenance and ongoing affordability.

How do I know when to add minerals?

Using the Theralux Mineral Test Strips, dip your test strip into a cup of water collected from the pool, enter your results into the Mineral Top Up Calculator and add the required amount of minerals.

Do I still add salt to my pool?

Yes. Salt is in every type of mineral pool. The difference with Theralux to other mineral brands is that we don’t blend our minerals with salt. This means you only have to add salt when your salt is low and add minerals when your minerals are low. It is much more affordable and easier to operate your mineral pool this way. The right amount of sodium is actually beneficial to your health plus the Complete Mineral Pool System uses amounts that you can’t even taste or feel, or will not trade your pool or equipment.

Why do I add salt and not just minerals?

Salt is used to raise TDS for the chlorinator to operate and produce hypochlorous acid to sanitise your pool effectively. Salt is the most efficient way to raise TDS.

How much salt do I add?

Use your chlorinators manufacturers required minimum salt or TDS level. If you are using one of our Theralux chlorinators, follow the below levels:

Digital Chlorinator Pro (Therachlor) Minimum Salt Level: 2750ppm
Eclipse Chlorinator Minimum Salt Level 3000ppm

Can I use the Essential Earth Minerals in my spa?

Absolutely, our unique formula allows you to use the minerals in both your pool and spa. We have 1kg spa sizes available for this specific purpose.

What else do I need to add in my Spa?

Theralux has a product called Spa Shock and Sanitiser, which can be used in conjunction with the Essential Earth Minerals. 

How to convert to a Mineral Pool with Theralux.

Step 1: Visit the online Mineral Conversion Calculator to determine how much minerals you require to add into you pool/spa

Step 2: Choose from 3 different customised Mineral Pool Conversion Packs that’s tailored to your pool

Step 3: Download the Water Balancing Instructions, to get your pool into balance

Step 4: Pour The Essential Earth Minerals into the pool and connect any other equipment from your chosen Mineral Conversion Pack

Step 5: Immerse yourself in mineral bathing heaven and become part of Theralux’s exclusive Lifetime Poolcare.

OR visit an Authorised Dealer who can do the entire process for you.

Explore Our Packages

Packages New Pool Owners

Building a New Pool

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Existing Pool Owners

Packages Commercial Pool Owners

Commercial Pool Owners

Packages TH-Top up my Minerals

Top Up My Minerals

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